Nonprofit clearinghouse of information on nonprofit credit counseling centers nationwide. Consumers may call for names of centers in their area. Phone: (301) 589-5600. …
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Real Estate Terms : A to Z
Nonprofit clearinghouse of information on nonprofit credit counseling centers nationwide. Consumers may call for names of centers in their area. Phone: (301) 589-5600. …
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An asking price based on factors such as the funds required to pay off the seller's mortgage, the cost of remodeling, or the purchase of another house. …
Occurs when a borrower's monthly payment is too small to cover both the principal and interest of a loan, so the outstanding balance of the loan actually grows larger with each payment. Many …
A driveway that drops from street level to the garage. …
Planning of a community that favors new home development with such traditional features as grid-street patterns, prominent front porches, backyard garages, multi-use buildings, and housing clustered …
Income from an investment property after expenses such as principal, interest, taxes, and insurance are subtracted. …
Real Estate Terms : A to Z