A small, continually burning gas flame inside a gas-fired water heater, dryer, range, or similar appliance. This flame ignites the appliance's gas burner. …
Pipestem Lot
A lot connected to the street by a narrow strip of land. …
The slope of a roof. Pitch is the ratio of vertical rise to horizontal run. …
Pivot Rod
On a sink or tub pop-up assembly, a rod that runs through a rubber pivot ball and that slopes slightly uphill to the tailpiece of the stopper. Pushing the knob and the lift rod down causes the pivot …
A woodworker's tool designed for shaving off small amounts of wood. Several different types are available. The longer the plane, the more evenly it will flatten a surface. …
Planned Community
A concept dating back to the 19th century that describes any town or neighborhood built with certain guidelines or goals in mind. …