The process of removing old mortar from between bricks and replacing it with new mortar. …
Two to Four Family Property
A piece of property that is owned by one person but provides housing for up to four households. …
Two-Step Mortgage
An adjustable mortgage with two interest rates: one for the first five or seven years of the loan, and the other for the remainder of the loan term. …
Transfer Tax
An assessment by state or local authorities at the time a piece of property changes hands. …
A transom is a horizontal architectural element, typically a window or beam, positioned above a door or window to add natural light, ventilation, or aesthetic appeal to a space. Transom windows can be …
In plumbing, a curved section of drainpipe that fills with water, providing a liquid seal to prevent the emission of sewage gases. A trap is the U- or S-shaped section of drainpipe directly beneath …