In real estate terms, a yard is an open space on a lot that is in addition to the area occupied by the building structure. …
Year-to-Date (YTD)
Refers to the period extending from the beginning of the year to the present. In real estate, it's used in financial summaries to show changes in asset or liability amounts since the beginning of the …
Yearly Renewable Term Insurance
This is a term used to describe insurance policies that are renewed annually. These policies can often be renewed each year without a physical examination. …
Yellow Water
This term refers to a situation in which a water source for a property is polluted or tainted, rendering it unfit for consumption. …
This is the annual return on an investment, expressed as a percentage of the investment. …
Yield Curve
This is a graph that plots the yields of similar-quality bonds against their maturities, ranging from shortest to longest. …