A provision that allows a buyer to take responsibility for the mortgage from a seller. …
ARM Index
A publicly published number used to adjust the interest rate for an adjustable rate loan (ARM). An index (such as Treasury bills or the prime rate) reflects the lender's cost of credit, and is not …
Appraisal Fee
The fee that a professional real estate appraiser charges to appraise, or estimate the market value of, a property. …
A French measurement of land equal to .84625 acres. Unit of length and area used in France, Louisiana, and Canada. As a unit of length, approximately 191.8 feet. The (square) arpent is a unit of …
Appraisal Report
A detailed written report on the value of a property based on recent sales of comparable sites in the area. …
A term used by tax assessors to describe a list of properties in a certain category sold within a given period of time. …