A change made to an executed contract which has not been approved by the parties to the contract. An alteration may constitute fraud if it has the impact of significantly affecting the rights of a …
Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan
In an initiative sponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to foster integration of races in new housing projects, such a Plan is required before a project becomes eligible …
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After-Tax Cash Flow
The net proceeds from an income-producing property, after all costs (taxes, mortgage interest, maintenance costs etc.) of owning and operating the property have been deducted. …
After-Tax Proceeds From Resale
The net proceeds from the sale of a property. The sale price minus legal fees and expenses, realty commission, any taxes paid, mortgage payout etc. …
The relationship between a person (the Principal) and another person (the Agent) who was appointed, selected, empowered, given authority by the Principal to represent the interests of the Principal in …
Agency by Estoppel (Ostensible Agency)
An agency relationship created by the actions, behavior or statements of the Principal and/or the Agent upon which a third party relies. Ostensible Agency may be found by a court where no agency …
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