Adjoin or share a common boundary, or share even a small portion of a boundary. …
Accelerated Depreciation
Depreciation is the reduction of the value of a property or chattel as a result of the passing of time (i.e. a new car may be worth $20,000.00, $18,000.00 after one year, $16,000.00 after two years …
Acceleration Clause
A clause in a mortgage or loan. If the borrower fails to live up to her obligations under the mortgage, the lender has the legal right to demand that the full principal of the mortgage may become due …
A positive response to an offer or a counter-offer that creates a binding agreement between the parties. Acceptance may be conditional upon the occurrence of certain events. The seller's written …
The right to enter a property. Access may be restricted to certain times, to certain persons and to certain purposes (i.e. access for the purpose of inspection). Any means by which a person can enter …
The ease with which one can reach a certain place, person or thing. A property may be inaccessible because it is located far back along a winding, mountainous road that is often blocked in winter. A …